BendShape™ Explorer Kit

BendShape™ Explorer Kit


Build future products with shape awareness. BendShape is an ultra-thin, flexible sensor that reports its shape, and can be embedded in or attached to objects for real-time, precision measurement. BendShape is the first sensor to provide a detailed model of complex curves with multiple bends. This sensor enables inventors to measure and model shape, shape change, angles, number of bends, and contours. BendShape is perfect for tracking the shape of the human body, hinges, robotic arms, or structures. This revolutionary sensor will reshape consumer, health, medical, vehicle, robotic, infrastructure, factory automation and industrial applications. BendShape is invariant to age and environmental conditions. BendShape is a self-contained, shape sensing platform with integrated sensor, signal processing and communications. BendShape also enables designers to lighten and streamline their designs by replacing historically rigid components with a soft, flexible solution.

(Images are exemplary renderings. Note that BendShape Explorer Kit includes only the Bendshape sensor and USB cable.)
